Games2Jolly Funeral Zombie Escape is another point and click game developed by Games2Jolly team. Death ends everyone's life but there may be something after it like an afterlife. This instant let's imagine that they'll change into zombies,as they're locked up inside their funerals they need some time to be freely roam after this world sleeps. After roaming they return to the graveyard but it's locked. Help them get into their grave before anyone sees by opening the gate. Good luck
Games2Jolly Pemakaman Zombie Escape titik lain dan klik game yang dikembangkan oleh tim Games2Jolly. Kematian berakhir kehidupan setiap orang tapi mungkin ada sesuatu setelah itu seperti kehidupan setelah kematian. Instan ini mari kita bayangkan bahwa mereka akan berubah menjadi zombie, karena mereka terkunci di dalam pemakaman mereka, mereka perlu waktu untuk menjadi bebas berkeliaran setelah dunia ini tidur. Setelah jelajah mereka kembali ke kuburan tapi itu terkunci. Membantu mereka masuk ke kuburan mereka sebelum orang melihat dengan membuka pintu gerbang. Semoga berhasil
Games2Jolly Funeral Zombie Escape is another point and click game developed by Games2Jolly team. Death ends everyone's life but there may be something after it like an afterlife. This instant let's imagine that they'll change into zombies,as they're locked up inside their funerals they need some time to be freely roam after this world sleeps. After roaming they return to the graveyard but it's locked. Help them get into their grave before anyone sees by opening the gate. Good luck